GYSEV CARGO keeps the momentum going

‘In the increasingly fierce market competition, not only maintaining our traffics and results requires special attention, but – perhaps even more importantly – we must develop continuously and exploit the new opportunities offered by the market’ said János Skála, CEO of GYSEV CARGO Plc. He stressed that the company will continue to take advantage of its highly favourable geographical location, i.e. on the one hand, it will do its best to reinforce its turntable function in the transport flows between the East and the West, and on the other hand, they want to take part in Europe’s north-south rail freight transport too, in keeping with the infrastructural investments of their mother company, GYSEV Plc., along this transport axis.
‘In order to achieve our strategic goals and to be able to respond even more flexibly to the increased demand of freight transport, we extended our fleet of freight wagons in the spring of 2013. We purchased 50 Eaos cars that are primarily designed to carry bulk goods. This allows us an even more efficient and optimal use of our freight wagons. In the near future, we would like to expand even further our fleet’, told us János Skála.

The services rail freight transport and block train creation of GYSEV CARGO are backed by the company’s Logistics Services Centre, Terminal and Marshalling yard in Sopron. In 2013, within the first stage of the Terminal development project, capacity was increased by 20% by creating an additional storage space for 470 containers. Also within the project, a container tracking system has been developed that enables the tracking of container movements on the terminal, the recording of loading activities and a GPS-based localisation of the positions of the containers.

The developments have led to more precise and efficient working processes, better traceability and a faster handling of the trains. A project element of the first stage was the purchase of a mobile container carrier truck, which is extremely useful in serving the increased storage capacity.

‘The development of the container terminal in Sopron is to be continued with support from the EU in 2014, too. The current project includes the purchase and installation of a new gantry crane with a hoisting capacity of 41 tons, as well as the associated development of infrastructure. In order to further increase the capacity of the Intermodal Logistics Services Centre, we also plan to build three covered and open wood containers made of steel. Additional project elements are the development of the operational software of GYSEV CARGO Plc. and the further development of the existing container tracking system. The investments are expected to be implemented by the end of the year’, told us CEO János Skála in connection with the second stage of the project.•